Plug Into the System


Plug Into the System 〰️

Daily Dial Session: Join live sessions with top Equis agents who demonstrate how they successfully schedule their appointments. Perfect for agents facing challenges with setting appointments or handling objections, or for those simply interested in learning different strategies.

Hierarchy: This weekly feature includes leaderboards, success stories from agents, and specialized training sessions to foster growth and celebrate achievements.

Sales Training: Essential for new agents, this call provides training on phone scripts, client interactions, product knowledge, and much more to ensure a successful start.

RM Development: A targeted program designed to develop the necessary mindset and skills for agents aspiring to become Regional Managers.

Daily Round Table (DRT): A daily opportunity to interact with top producers and leaders. Participants can ask questions, observe live dial sessions, and gain insights from experienced professionals.

SM Development: Tailored for those looking to establish and grow their own business, this program offers guidance on business development strategies.

Equis Business Overview and Opportunity Meeting: An introductory session ideal for individuals interested in joining the business. This meeting provides a comprehensive overview of opportunities within Equis.

Go Now: Learn about how to duplicate your business by growing a team.

Equis Connects: Equis Financial will come together to prepare for the week ahead.

Producers Playbook: Join Bill Martin OG every Friday for the Producers' Playbook! This training is designed to help personal producers advance to the next level in their business.